HR Excellence Award 2012
„Transition Workshop – Managing the cross-over“
Out of more than 400 applicants, received an award for the category „Staff events“ (corporations).
The HR Excellence Award is awarded by the Federal Association of Human Resource Managers (Bundesverband der Personalmanager), a professional body for HR managers and HR managers from companies, organisations and associations.
The jury of the HR Excellence Awards is made up of more than 20 HR experts – including recruiting managers from leading German, Swiss, Austrian and international companies who evaluate all entries based on their expert knowledge. With their professional expertise jury members adhere to the high quality standards that the HR Excellence Award stands for.
The Jury’s statement (excerpt): “Above all, the range of topics presented along with their depth of content as well as the workshop design with different group sizes and tailored content played a significant role in the success of this innovative project.”
More details about the project
Due to a corporate merger one of the company sites is having to close down. Faced with a stagnating environment, highly qualified employees have to re-orient themselves. The main objective is to support employees in their transition process from working in the previous organisation to transitioning into a new professional and personal life.
The challenge: having to say goodbye to the past in just one day, focusing on new outlooks, making space for emotions and aligning the mind and the heart with what will occur in the future. This is in line with our collaborative approach, focused on building a learning community.
The workshop program is based on our model for career change covering the dimensions „Structured approaches vs. letting things come into being“: in a large group setting where sufficient room will be given for plenary discussions, tandem work and small group exercises, as well as mini workshops and opportunities for one-to-one work.