The capabilities
Multi-stakeholder initiatives bundle know-how and implementation skills of different stakeholders on complex issues and problem definitions that cannot be answered by just one group of stakeholders alone.
The challenge – organising & managing
The answers to these questions will help you navigate through MSI- complexities: When does a multi-stakeholder collaboration make sense? Which stakeholders are needed to guarantee the success of a particular issue? How can stakeholders collaborate without formal authorities super-imposing each other? How are differing objectives and problem perceptions of the different actors addressed? How can consensus-based decisions incorporate both collaboration and individual benefits?
The consulting offering
We will help you embrace multi-stakeholder projects as a continuous learning process aswell as an opportunity to establish collective leadership between the different players. Our consulting work is based on four essential elements, required for a successful multi-stakeholder initiative. For each of these areas, there are a different set of collaboration tools and methods available that can be used and that are appropriate for the situation and the participants.