Self-organised Teams

selbstorganisierte teams

Empowerment for self-management

The capabilities

Self-organised teams are characterized by flexibility and different degrees of self-governance. They demonstrate a high level of decision-making and accountability capabilities for their tasks, their results and their continuous learning and development. Through process reflection, feedback and collaboration within the team, teams have the ability to quickly modify overall conditions and develop new solutions in a flexible manner.

The challenge – organising & managing

To ensure successful self-organisation, we will clarify the following issues with you:

What level of self-organisation is most suited to your organisation and the business? What conditions are necessary to develop and manage self-organisation? How does this affect management and leadership roles? How should successful self-organisation processes be structured and which tools are useful for the development of a self-organised team?

The consulting offering

We will help you embrace self-organisation as a continuous learning process between the organisation, management, teams and employees. In collaboration with you, we will examine the processes, structures and HR practices already in place, and those that need to be newly incorporated. We will complement existing tools or provide new collaboration tools and methods so as to ensure the success of your self-organising teams.

Designing a self-organised structure

Creating structures

Together with your help, we will design on- and off-the-job learning support systems including Action Learning, Peer Consulting as well as setting up a support network of managers, experts and colleagues for discussions at the operational and strategic level.

Establishing processes

All management, supply and supporting processes for self-organized teams should be establsihed in a binding, simple and standardized way to keep time and energy investments low. We can support you in analysing existing processes and in creating lean and agile work flows.

Development-oriented approaches in HR management

We work with you to establish the selection and promotion criteria for employees in self-organized teams. Together we will focus on setting up flexible performance management and incentive systems that allow you fairly evaluate the learning, collaboration, decision-making capabilities of employees in self-organized teams, assess their readiness to change and reward their performance.

Setting up the culture necessary for self-organisation

We will support management through dialogue, reflection and feedback to create a culture that tolerates mistakes and encourages learning.
With your help, we will set up network structures that faciliate access to information, trends and requirements in direct contact with context and customers, thereby allowing self-organisation to take place. will provide support in conceptualising and facilitating kick-off workshops for teams to establish self-organisation, with team development for existing teams, setting up reflection processes through Action Learning, Peer Consulting, coaching and training measures.

Examples of collaboration tools & methods

Collaboration Space®

A collaboration room provides a “container” that can absorb collaboration dynamics and connect collaboration partners with collaboration tasks.

Action Learning

Action Learning continuously alternates between action and reflection.
Successful learning occurs on the personal level, collaboration level and based on the evaluation of the collaboration project’s organizational system.

Collaborative decision-making

Viable decisions and solutions in a group are less focused on the approval of the individual people than on the overall low resistance and limited objections of its members. During a collaborative decision-making process, a professional, consensus-based solution is enhanced by quickly identifying the gradual acceptance of decision alternatives of the different team members.